This Inexpensive Consumer Device Naturally and Quickly Reduces Tension and Pressure Inside the Head

As the daily stresses and pressures of the world continue to rise, so have the amount people who complain from migraines and headaches-- a debilitating condition that has become the world’s number one nervous system disorder amongst humans (World Health Organization).

Headaches and migraines can be a daunting challenge to resolve, as the cause of them commonly result from a numerous range of underlying factors making it incredibly difficult for physicians and healthcare providers to pin-point.

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The Endless Path of Pursuing Answers

As a headache sufferer who has battled on a daily basis for years, and one who relentlessly pursued relief in both the Eastern and Western spheres of medicine ranging from Shamanic healers to various neurologists, there was a point in time when I was finally able to experience a noticeable and immediate amount of relief for the first time in years.

As I was laying on the medical bed at this particular doctor’s office I nearly laughed when he showed me the device that he developed for his patients to help with some of the most extreme cases of headaches that he’s ever seen.

The Answer to Tension & Pressure Inside the Head

The device is called Zok Relief, a natural solution for immediately reducing the symptoms of tension and pressure, which are commonly associated with headaches and migraines.

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The device is inserted into the ear (similar to the positioning of an audio earbud), and by way of creating either a negative or positive pressure depending on the method used, the light and calculated amount of pressure modulation within the ear canal stimulates the tympanic membrane along with a number of cranial nerves, which has shown to immediately reduce the intensity of pressure and tension experienced within the head.

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While being pessimistic at the initial sight of Zok Relief ( to then utilizing the device at the clinic for the first time, I was nearly in disbelief that something so simple was able to provide the level of immediate relief that I was able to experience for the first time in years.

At that moment I knew that this simple tool was needed by a tremendously large amount of people around the world who suffer from experiencing tension and pressure inside the head, which can sometimes be crippling to say the least..

Experience Relief Through an All-New Innovative Method

As an FDA listed class I medical device, Zōk Relief has been transforming the way in which suffering individuals can experience relief from the symptoms of tension and pressure within the head. 

Zok Relief is now available for consumer purchase and can be ordered exclusively on

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Published by: Spencer Glasgow

Co-founder of Zok Relief

“Headache Disorders.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization, 8 Apr. 2016,